Helping Investors Protect Their Rights

When Employee Stock Option Holdings Go Bad Due To Negligence

When it comes to employee stock options, your employer, the stockbroker and the brokerage firm all have a fiduciary duty to be well-trained and offer you prudent advice. If you have suffered significant investment losses, Jeffrey A. Feldman can help.

When Stock Options Are Compensation

Many companies offer much sought-after employees stock options as a way to attract top talent to their teams. This is particularly true of new companies, buy-out companies and merging companies. In many cases, skilled employees have accepted much lower salaries when offered stock options. Unfortunately, some of these employees were given advice that was not sound and may be in violation of the Securities Act, the Securities Exchange Act or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

If your significant loss of income or potential income via stock options was the result of a “sale” or negotiation for employment or a bargain for consideration as an inducement to join a company, then you may very well have a case to pursue to recoup your financial losses. If you feel you were misled by the broker or your employer or that the prospectus was improper, you may also have a case.

Speak With Attorney Jeffrey A. Feldman About Your Stock Options Issues

If you feel you were wronged, taken advantage of, or misled by your current or former company’s stock option dealings with you, call 415-413-8955. Located in Northern California, we represent clients all over the country. You can also reach out to us via our online contact email. We offer free initial consultations and have contingency fee arrangements available.